Whitesville Public Library
Meeting Minutes July 21st , 2020
The reorganization meeting was called to order at 7:00pm. In attendance Shambra Hamilton, Kristi Garis, Kerry West,
Susan Ellison, Sandy Knowles and Karen Smith. Oath of office was administered to new board members; Sandy Knowles
and Shambra Hamilton. Oaths were notarized in presence of board.
Election of Officers: Kristi Garis – President
Shambra Hamilton – Vice-President
Secretary – Susan Ellison
Kerry West – Financial Officer
Sandy Knowles – Member at Large
Motion to adjourn reorganizational meeting; Shambra Hamilton, Kristi Garis – 2
July Meeting called to order at 7:10pm.
Financial Report:
July 2020 Report: Motion to accept by Sandy Knowles, 2nd by Shambra Hamilton
Bills for Review: Pay Alvin King for mowing: Sandy Knowles motion to accept; 2
nd Shambra Hamilton.
Director’s Report: Discussion about icecream social:
Social distance guidelines, signs, no baked goods, Motion to go ahead with the social – Sandy Knowles; 2nd by
Kerry West – Unanimous vote to proceed.
Discussion about library laptop. Karen requested to use Manly Grant to repair or replace. Shambra Hamilton
motioned to repair or replace; Sandy Knowles 2nd. Carried.
Shambra Hamilton motioned to accept the Director’s report; 2nd by Sandy Knowles
Nothing from Budget Committee
Fundraising discussion in other areas of the meeting: Director’s report and New Business.
Nothing from Policy and Procedures.
Nothing in Old Business
New Business:
a. Yard Sale Days – Book Sale – discussion of work times. Shambra Hamilton – 8am – 11am
Sandi Knowles – 10am – 12:00pm
Susan Ellison – 10am – 12:00pm
b. Icecream Social – Wednesday 8/5 from 6-8pm – discussed during Director’s Report
c. Garden Tour – Kay Nagy brought handouts of finalizing chores that were discussed.
- Sandy Knowles doing the adverts and distribution
- No refreshments at Library except water bottles Sandy offered to donate.
- Set-Up on Friday, 8/7/20; Sandy will deliver the flags to participants, Susan will provide cut flowers
for vases, Cryder Creek Gardens to set up at Methodist Church or Store? Probably at store. - Sue will take pictures of gardens. Will spend the first part of the day walking around taking pictures.
- Working Event Day: Kristi Garis and Shambra Hamilton will work from 10am – 12pm and from 12pm
– 2pm. Susan Ellison and Sandy Knowles will work from 2pm – 4pm - Door Prizes are 2 Wall Hangings by Karen, Garden Soap donated by White Valley Farm and books
donated by Sandy Knowles. - Kristi Garis will follow up with Thank You notes.
- Other Discussion – Invite Amish for food – no; Cool Kids Crew – no; Don Nelson (Maple Products) –
Yearly Evaluation of the Library Director. Karen will email the evaluations to board members.
August Meeting: August 18, 2020
Adjournment of Meeting: Kerry West Motioned to adjourn, Shambra Hamilton 2nd