Whitesville Public Library
Meeting Minutes July 21st , 2020
The reorganization meeting was called to order at 7:00pm. In attendance Shambra Hamilton, Kristi Garis, Kerry West,
Susan Ellison, Sandy Knowles and Karen Smith. Oath of office was administered to new board members; Sandy Knowles
and Shambra Hamilton. Oaths were notarized in presence of board.
Election of Officers: Kristi Garis – President
Shambra Hamilton – Vice-President
Secretary – Susan Ellison
Kerry West – Financial Officer
Sandy Knowles – Member at Large
Motion to adjourn reorganizational meeting; Shambra Hamilton, Kristi Garis – 2
July Meeting called to order at 7:10pm.
Financial Report:
July 2020 Report: Motion to accept by Sandy Knowles, 2nd by Shambra Hamilton
Bills for Review: Pay Alvin King for mowing: Sandy Knowles motion to accept; 2
nd Shambra Hamilton.
Director’s Report: Discussion about icecream social:
Social distance guidelines, signs, no baked goods, Motion to go ahead with the social – Sandy Knowles; 2nd by
Kerry West – Unanimous vote to proceed.
Discussion about library laptop. Karen requested to use Manly Grant to repair or replace. Shambra Hamilton
motioned to repair or replace; Sandy Knowles 2nd. Carried.
Shambra Hamilton motioned to accept the Director’s report; 2nd by Sandy Knowles
Nothing from Budget Committee
Fundraising discussion in other areas of the meeting: Director’s report and New Business.
Nothing from Policy and Procedures.
Nothing in Old Business
New Business:
a. Yard Sale Days – Book Sale – discussion of work times. Shambra Hamilton – 8am – 11am
Sandi Knowles – 10am – 12:00pm
Susan Ellison – 10am – 12:00pm
b. Icecream Social – Wednesday 8/5 from 6-8pm – discussed during Director’s Report
c. Garden Tour – Kay Nagy brought handouts of finalizing chores that were discussed.

  1. Sandy Knowles doing the adverts and distribution
  2. No refreshments at Library except water bottles Sandy offered to donate.
  3. Set-Up on Friday, 8/7/20; Sandy will deliver the flags to participants, Susan will provide cut flowers
    for vases, Cryder Creek Gardens to set up at Methodist Church or Store? Probably at store.
  4. Sue will take pictures of gardens. Will spend the first part of the day walking around taking pictures.
  5. Working Event Day: Kristi Garis and Shambra Hamilton will work from 10am – 12pm and from 12pm
    – 2pm. Susan Ellison and Sandy Knowles will work from 2pm – 4pm
  6. Door Prizes are 2 Wall Hangings by Karen, Garden Soap donated by White Valley Farm and books
    donated by Sandy Knowles.
  7. Kristi Garis will follow up with Thank You notes.
  8. Other Discussion – Invite Amish for food – no; Cool Kids Crew – no; Don Nelson (Maple Products) –
    Yearly Evaluation of the Library Director. Karen will email the evaluations to board members.
    August Meeting: August 18, 2020
    Adjournment of Meeting: Kerry West Motioned to adjourn, Shambra Hamilton 2nd
July, 2020 Board Minutes